Man created god to explain the endless cruelty and injustice of the world that left them feeling helpless.
Why did a good mother lose 3 of her 8 children before the age of 1, and then died in childbirth with the last one?
Why did lightning kill an entire family in a small stone age community as they huddled in their pathetic hut to shelter from the storm?
Why does the ground tremble?
Why do floods kill innocent children?
What is lightning?
The only reason we know the answer to these questions is science and research. However, religion is already a part of the human condition and has evolved and passed from generation to generation in some form.
Religion is like a drug that dulls the senses and allows humans to escape reality. It is completely understandable that it was invented by early humans to allow them to cope with a world that doesnt care about feelings.
Humans crave just, loving gods and an afterlife because we refuse to believe that this is all there is.